Iriver T30 MTP to UMS
Posted: 2007-01-31. Updated: 2013-03-23.
What: Convert Iriver T30 (EU version) portable music player from
Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) to Universal Mass Storage (UMS).
Purpose: Make the T30 easily accessible as a normal storage device
by virtually all operating systems.
- On WinXP install Windows Media Player 10, now the T30 will be recognized as a portable media device using MTP.
- Use "IRiverFirmwareUpdater.exe" (get it from Iriver's download page) to update to the latest firmware (not yet UMS), which is cross firmware updatable. Follow the instructions on Iriver's FAQ page regarding the conversion. The firmware update will connect to the Iriver website and download the latest firmware.
- Use the "IRiverFirmwareUpdater.exe" and now switch from MTP to UMS (button on the lower left side "MTP<->UMS").
- After the firmware update the T30 will reboot and will now be UMS capable.
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